Sunday, 31 August 2008

Our Holidays

This is an idea of where we went on our holidays.

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A Picnic in the Mountains

Sitting down for lunch

Grass growing in one of the lakes

A view of a mountain range over a lake

A fabulous pic

The only type of tree you see up so high

Looking own on a village in a valley

A view of a lake wih aeroplane tracks
in the sky

A beautiful pic, don't you think?

Hugh has a paddle in one of the lakes

Dad, Georges and Gaby talk together after lunch

Odette and Hugh running

A view into a valley

A view of one of the lakes

A glacier

Yesterday we met Gaby and George and went up the mountains to l'Alpe d'Huez, there is a very nice park there with many lakes, we had a very nice day, though we were above the tree line, so there was no shade so we were a bit hot.
For more information and less pictures click here.

Friday, 29 August 2008

Step 4

Our fourth stop was in Paris and where did we go??? The link adds a bit more to our travels as well.

We're home!

Hi, just like to say that we're home - and have been since Monday, I just haven't been up to blogging, photos of our journey through France, Belguim, Luxembourg, Germany and Switzerland will come soon...

Thursday, 7 August 2008

Stormy Weather

Lately we have had a lot of bad weather, it has been wet, humid and stormy. At the moment we're in the middle of a big storm. We just hope that near Toulouse it is sunnier, because tomorrow we're going on holidays to Toulouse and then Paris and we're sleeping in our tent tomorrow night!!!

Chateau du Touvet

Le Chateau du Touvet

On Tuesday afternoon Sophie, Odette and Mum went to see the Chateau du Touvet, located in the town of Le Touvet, only 3 kilometres from us. The gardens were great for such a little chateau. The inside of the chateau (that you couldn't take photos of) was like any other chateau, and you could only see the first level of the 4 levels, because the residents live upstairs. Photos are taken by Caro (Mum) and Sophie.

The fabulous water feature

Odette and Sophie at the Chateau du Touvet

Some water fountains

Odette looks over the gardens

Wednesday, 6 August 2008

Un petit franglais

Hugh, le petit franglais

Hugh, our little brother is just so cute and a little "franglais". When he speaks to Mum - who speaks very good french, he says stuff like oui and merci. And when he speaks to Dad - who doesn't speak French at all, he says stuff like yes and thank-you. I think it is sooooo cute!!!

Tuesday, 5 August 2008

The below link to Darkan on Street View just goes to Australia, so I've no idea how to actually link it to Darkan, maybe I'll have to bookmark it in My Maps or something.


The LEGO house we made

Today the kids convinced Mum to play Lego with them, but it was hard to get her away from the computer when she found out that Darkan (our town in Australia) was on Street View. Anyhow, above is the LEGO house that we ended up making, out the back it had a huge garden, yes-huge!!! The garden was half the size of the house!!!

Our Evening Walk 2

Yesterday evening we went for another walk, these are the photos Sophie got before her camera ran out of batteries. Thanks to Odette, Caro and Bonnie.

Monday, 4 August 2008


These are some photos of flowers from our evening walk. They are taken by Sophie and Bonnie.

Pool Shoot

Here are the results of the Pool Shoot today, all photos are by Sophie. Thanks to Odette and Hugh for being fabulous models.

The Princess Odette

This girl is such a beautiful girl, and who do you think she is??? Yes, she is our sister Odette. All four photos here were taken by Sophie, and aren't they so cute??? Someone else says Odette is a princess as well.

Sunday, 3 August 2008

Out for Lunch

Step 1: Make the dough

Step 2: Roll the dough

Step 3: Cut the dough

Step 4: Cook the dough; Step 5: Eat the pasta!!!

Today we went out for lunch at the Torelli's. Eric's grandmother was Italian, his great-grandfather as well, so he made us the best green (silverbeet) pasta ever, yes I could eat it every meal, every day!!! Especially with the sauce that Anne made. There was one good thing that he had not yet made the pasta so that we could help him, and a bad thing, he had not yet made the pasta so we couldn't eat it so soon. The day before Eric asked if we ate a lot, and we said no, but amazingly today everyone wanted more!!!