Saturday, 17 January 2009

A Dialogue Between Roger & A Frenchman

- How are you, Roger?
- Oui, bon.
- Normally is beautiful day today.
- Oh, yes, there's quite a few clouds I think.
- A little of clouds ; but, you leave soon?
- Oui, tomorrow actually.
- OH! Already! Was France well?
-Yes, yes, it wouldn't have been the same in another village, and here it helps a lot with so many people who speak English. I think the girls are happy and sad.
- Yes them child can see their friend again.And you, your farm!
-Oh yes, it will be a lot different.
- Yes, that's sure, how much sheep, already?
-cette sont, ... cent, um...sept mille. Seven thousand.
- Wow! Much work!!!Goodbye and good voyage.

This dialogue was completed with the aide of Babel Fish Translation Service.

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