Thursday, 7 August 2008

Chateau du Touvet

Le Chateau du Touvet

On Tuesday afternoon Sophie, Odette and Mum went to see the Chateau du Touvet, located in the town of Le Touvet, only 3 kilometres from us. The gardens were great for such a little chateau. The inside of the chateau (that you couldn't take photos of) was like any other chateau, and you could only see the first level of the 4 levels, because the residents live upstairs. Photos are taken by Caro (Mum) and Sophie.

The fabulous water feature

Odette and Sophie at the Chateau du Touvet

Some water fountains

Odette looks over the gardens

1 comment:

Summer said...

Cute photo of Odette, at the end. Man you guys have grown up heaps since 2005.