Sunday, 3 August 2008

Out for Lunch

Step 1: Make the dough

Step 2: Roll the dough

Step 3: Cut the dough

Step 4: Cook the dough; Step 5: Eat the pasta!!!

Today we went out for lunch at the Torelli's. Eric's grandmother was Italian, his great-grandfather as well, so he made us the best green (silverbeet) pasta ever, yes I could eat it every meal, every day!!! Especially with the sauce that Anne made. There was one good thing that he had not yet made the pasta so that we could help him, and a bad thing, he had not yet made the pasta so we couldn't eat it so soon. The day before Eric asked if we ate a lot, and we said no, but amazingly today everyone wanted more!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Apparemment, elles vous ont plu mes pâtes vertes!
S'il vous plait, ne me faites pas trop de publicité, je ne veux pas devenir un passage obligé pour touristes australiens, quoi que,why not!
Et puis, que ça vous serve de leçon, ne dites plus que vous êtes des petits mangeurs.
A bientôt pour les gnocchis.